Program Copy_Linked_List; { May 31, 1996 Turbo v.6.0 but no TPU's used so should work in many versions. For test purposes, a test string is parsed into words and each word and its length is stored in the cell of a linked list of the queue type (first-in-first-out, FIFO). The first linked list is preserved while its data is copied to another linked list. As a check on correct execution, the data of both lists are displayed on screen side by side. } CONST TestStr = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs back'; TYPE link = ^cell; cell = Record Next:link; StrWord:String[6]; WordLen:Integer; End; VAR head1, head2:link; Procedure String_To_List(VAR head:link); VAR Wrd:Array[1..10] of String[6]; s:String[80]; p1, tail1:link; n, p:Integer; Begin (* make an array of words for test purposes *) s := TestStr + ' '; (* trailing space makes it easier to parse *) n := 0; While Length(s) <> 0 do Begin p := Pos(' ', s); (* position of first space *) Inc(n); Wrd[n] := Copy(s, 1, p - 1); (* copies chars less space *) Delete(s, 1, p) (* deletes trailing space, too *); End; (* n now contains the number of elements in the array *) (* make linked list and transfer array data to cells *); p := 0; p1 := nil; While p < n do Begin Inc(p); New(tail1); With tail1^ do Begin next := nil; StrWord := Wrd[p]; WordLen := Length(Wrd[p]); End; (* change global variable head1 to point to first cell *) If p1 = nil then head := tail1; p1^.next := tail1; (* p1 is still nil for first cell *) p1 := tail1; (* p1 to hold old link after a new tail *) End; End; Procedure Copy_List_To_List(hd1:link; VAR hd2:link); VAR prev1, prev2, next2:link; Begin prev1 := hd1; prev2 := nil; While prev1 <> nil do Begin New(next2); With next2^ do (* copy data *) Begin next := nil; (* not a copy *) StrWord := prev1^.StrWord; WordLen := prev1^.WordLen; End; If prev2 = nil then hd2 := next2; (* assigns global head2 *) prev2^.next := next2; prev2 := next2; (* advance to new cell of original list. Terminate copying if prev1^.next = nil *) prev1 := prev1^.next; End; (* while *) End; Procedure Show_List_Comparison(h1, h2:link); Begin Writeln; Writeln; Writeln; Writeln('Original':15, 'Copy':15); Writeln; While h1 <> nil do Begin Write( h1^.StrWord:10, h1^.WordLen:5, ' '); Writeln(h2^.StrWord:10, h2^.WordLen:5); h1 := h1^.next; h2 := h2^.next; End; Writeln; Writeln; Writeln('<< Press Enter >>'); Readln; End; BEGIN { main program -- Copy_Linked_List } String_To_List(head1); Copy_List_To_List(head1, head2); Show_List_Comparison(head1, head2); END.