{ Does anyone have any examples of how to Write Text to a File using blockWrite? } Program DemoBlockWrite; Const { Carriage-return + Line-feed Constant. } co_CrLf = #13#10; Var st_Temp : String; fi_Temp : File; wo_BytesWritten : Word; begin { Assign 5 lines of Text to temp String. } st_Temp := 'Line 1 of Text File' + co_CrLf + 'Line 2 of Text File' + co_CrLf + co_CrLf + 'Line 4 of Text File' + co_CrLf + ' My name is MUD ' + co_CrLf; assign(fi_Temp, 'TEST.TXT'); {$I-} reWrite(fi_Temp, 1); {$I+} if (ioresult <> 0) then begin Writeln('Error creating TEST.TXT File'); Halt end; { Write 5 lines of Text to File. } BlockWrite(fi_Temp, st_Temp[1], length(st_Temp), wo_BytesWritten); { Check For errors writing Text to File. } if (wo_BytesWritten <> length(st_Temp)) then begin Writeln('Error writing Text to File!'); Halt end; { Close File. } Close(fi_Temp); { Attempt to open Text File again. } Assign(fi_Temp, 'TEST.TXT'); {$I-} Reset(fi_Temp, 1); {$I+} if (IOResult <> 0) then begin Writeln('Error opening TEST.TXT File'); Halt end; st_Temp := 'Guy'; { Position File-Pointer just before the 'MUD' in Text. } seek(fi_Temp, 77); { Correct my name by overwriting old Text With new. } blockWrite(fi_Temp, st_Temp[1], length(st_Temp), wo_BytesWritten); { Check For errors writing Text to File. } if (wo_BytesWritten <> length(st_Temp)) then begin Writeln('Error writing Text to File!'); Halt end; Close(fi_Temp) end.