Unit Execute; Interface Procedure Exec(Path,CmdLine : String); Implementation Uses Dos; Function ExtractFileName(Var Line : String;Index : Integer) : String; Var Temp : String; begin Delete(Line,Index,1); While (Index <= Length(Line)) and (Line[Index] = ' ') Do Delete(Line,Index,1); Temp := ''; While (Index <= Length(Line)) and (Line[Index] <> ' ') Do begin Temp := Temp + Line[Index]; Delete(Line,Index,1); end; ExtractFileName := Temp; end; Procedure CloseHandle(Handle : Word); Var Regs : Registers; begin With Regs Do begin AH := $3E; BX := Handle; MsDos(Regs); end; end; Procedure Duplicate(SourceHandle : Word;Var TargetHandle : Word); Var Regs : Registers; begin With Regs Do begin AH := $45; BX := SourceHandle; MsDos(Regs); TargetHandle := AX; end; end; Procedure ForceDuplicate(SourceHandle : Word;Var TargetHandle : Word); Var Regs : Registers; begin With Regs Do begin AH := $46; BX := SourceHandle; CX := TargetHandle; MsDos(Regs); TargetHandle := AX; end; end; Procedure Exec(Path,CmdLine : String); Var StdIn : Word; Stdout : Word; Index : Integer; FName : String[80]; InFile : Text; OutFile : Text; InHandle : Word; OutHandle : Word; { ===============>>>> } { change below For STDERR } begin StdIn := 0; StdOut := 1; { change to 2 For StdErr } Duplicate(StdIn,InHandle); { duplicate standard input } Duplicate(StdOut,OutHandle); { duplicate standard output } Index := Pos('>',CmdLine); If Index > 0 Then { check For output redirection } begin FName := ExtractFileName(CmdLine,Index); { get output File name } Assign(OutFile,FName); { open a Text File } ReWrite(OutFile); { .. For output } ForceDuplicate(TextRec(OutFile).Handle,StdOut);{ make output same } end; Index := Pos('<',CmdLine); If Index > 0 Then { check For input redirection } begin FName := ExtractFileName(CmdLine,Index); { get input File name } Assign(InFile,FName); { open a Text File } Reset(InFile); { For input } ForceDuplicate(TextRec(InFile).Handle,StdIn); { make input same } end; Dos.Exec(Path,CmdLine); { run EXEC } ForceDuplicate(InHandle,StdIn); { put standard input back to keyboard } ForceDuplicate(OutHandle,StdOut); { put standard output back to screen } CloseHandle(InHandle); { Close the redirected input File } CloseHandle(OutHandle); { Close the redirected output File } end; end. {===============================================================} { Use it exactly as you would the normal EXEC Procedure: Exec('MAsm.EXE','mystuff.Asm'); To activate redirection simply add the redirection symbols, etc: Exec('MAsm.EXE','mystuff.Asm >err.lst'); One note of caution. This routine temporarily Uses extra handles. It's either two or four more. The Various books I have are not clear as to whether duplicated handles 'count' or not. My guess is yes. If you don't plan on redirecting STDIN then reMove all the code For duplicating it to cut your handle overhead in half. }