{ > When pkzip executes... it Writes to the screen and scrolls my > screen up. Is there a way in which I can prevent pkzip from writing > to the screen. This thread comes up a bunch. Here's a tried and tested solution : } Unit Redir; { Redirect input, output, and errors } Interface Procedure RedirectInput (TextFile : String); Procedure RedirectOutput (TextFile : String); Procedure StdInput; Procedure StdOutput; Implementation Uses Dos; Const STDin = 0; STdoUT = 1; STDERR = 2; Procedure Force_Dup (Existing, { Existing handle } Second : Word); { Handle to place it to } Var R : Registers; begin r.AH := $46; r.BX := Existing; r.CX := Second; MSDos (R); if (r.Flags and FCarry) <> 0 then Writeln ('Error ', r.AX, ' changing handle ', Second); end; Procedure RedirectInput (TextFile : String); Var TF : Text; begin Assign (TF, TextFile); Reset (TF); Force_Dup (TextRec (TF).Handle, STDin); end; Procedure RedirectOutput (TextFile : String); Var TF : Text; begin Assign (TF, TextFile); ReWrite (TF); Force_Dup (TextRec (TF).Handle, STdoUT); Force_Dup (TextRec (TF).Handle, STDERR); end; Procedure StdInput; begin Assign (Input, ''); Reset (Input); end; Procedure StdOutPut; begin Assign (Output, ''); ReWrite (Output); end; end. {------ cut here ------} { In your Program : Uses Redir; begin RedirectOutput ('LOGFile.OUT'); Exec ('PKZIP.EXE', ''); StdOutPut; end. }