{ > I need to be able to create a screen then load it into Video Memory. > Then load it on to the screen... Does anyone have any routines to do > this??? Thanks... Try the following codes } Program VidRAMStuff; Uses Crt; Const ScreenHeight = 25; ScreenWidth = 80; Type OneChar = Record Character : Char; Attribute : Byte; end; RAMBuffer = Array [1..ScreenHeight, 1..ScreenWidth] of OneChar; RAMBufPtr = ^RAMBuffer; Var RowLoop, ColLoop : Byte; DataFile : Text; VideoRAM : RAMBufPtr; begin If (LastMode = 7) { means that the system is monochrome } Then VideoRAM := Ptr ($B000, $0000) { Segment:Offset address } Else VideoRAM := Ptr ($B800, $0000); Assign (DataFile, 'TESTING.TXT'); ReWrite (DataFile); For RowLoop := 1 to ScreenHeight Do begin For ColLoop := 1 to ScreenWidth Do Write (DataFile, VideoRAM^ [RowLoop, ColLoop].Character); WriteLn (DataFile); end; Close (DataFile); {************************ File Saved *****************************} {* Just add your own code to read in the data File and loaded it *} {* back to the screen and you're all set! *} {*****************************************************************} end.