{ > Does anyone have any code that will go tsr and dump the pixel colors in a > 320.256. whatever that mode is into a Text File in the format 200,5,0,0,0,4, > etc? just list every pixel followed by a comma? The TSR part would be the hard part, the writing the screen to a File would be easy. I wrote this little prog just now, not incredibly great but might actually work and probably will do the job... Be careful as it doesn't check For Dos reentrancy and you might hang your computer if you try to capture a screen While Dos is doing something else... by Sean Palmer, public domain } Program capture; Uses Dos; Procedure WriteScrn2File; Var f : Text; x, y : Word; begin assign(f,'CAPTURE.SCR'); reWrite(f); For y := 0 to 199 do For x := 0 to 319 do begin Write(f, mem[$A000 : y * 320 + x], ','); if x mod 20 = 0 then Writeln(f); {new line every 20 pixels} end; close(f); end; Var oldIntVec : Procedure; {you need to put a Real check For Dos activity here} Function DosActive : Boolean; begin DosActive := False; end; {assume no and keep fingers crossed! 8)} Procedure keyHandler; interrupt; begin if port[$60] = 114 then {if print-screen pressed} if not DosActive then {better not press While Dos is doing something} WriteScrn2File; oldIntVec; {call old handler} end; begin getIntVec(9, @oldIntVec); setIntVec(9, @newIntVec); keep(0); {go TSR} end.