{ Turbo Pascal File Viewer Object } uses Dos, Crt; const PrintSet: set of $20..$7E = [ $20..$7E ]; ExtenSet: set of $80..$FE = [ $80..$FE ]; NoPrnSet: set of $09..$0D = [ $09, $0A, $0D ]; type CharType = ( Unknown, Ascii, Hex ); DataBlock = array[1..256] of byte; Viewer = object XOrg, YOrg, LineLen, LineCnt, BlockCount : integer; FileName : string; FileType : CharType; procedure FileOpen( Fn : string; X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : integer ); function TestBlock( FileBlock : DataBlock; Count : integer ): CharType; procedure ListHex( FileBlock : DataBlock; Count, Ofs : integer ); procedure ListAscii( FileBlock : DataBlock; Count : integer ); end; Finder = object( Viewer ) procedure Search( Fn, SearchStr : string; X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : integer ); end; procedure Finder.Search; var VF : file; Result1, Result2 : word; BlkOfs, i, j, SearchLen : integer; SearchArray : array[1..128] of byte; EndFlag, BlkDone, SearchResult : boolean; FileBlock1, FileBlock2, ResultArray : DataBlock; begin BlockCount := 0; XOrg := X1; YOrg := Y1; LineLen := X2; LineCnt := Y2; FileType := Unknown; SearchLen := ord( SearchStr[0] ); for i := 1 to Searchlen do SearchArray[i] := ord( SearchStr[i] ); for i := 1 to sizeof( ResultArray ) do ResultArray[i] := $00; assign( VF, Fn ); {$I-} reset( VF, 1 ); {$I+} if IOresult = 0 then begin EndFlag := false; BlkDone := false; SearchResult := false; BlockRead( VF, FileBlock2, sizeof( FileBlock2 ), Result2 ); EndFlag := Result2 <> sizeof( FileBlock2 ); repeat FileBlock1 := FileBlock2; Result1 := Result2; FileBlock2 := ResultArray; if not EndFlag then begin BlockRead( VF, FileBlock2, sizeof( FileBlock2 ), Result2 ); inc( BlockCount ); EndFlag := Result2 <> sizeof( FileBlock2 ); end else BlkDone := True; for i := 1 to Result1 do begin if SearchArray[1] = FileBlock1[i] then begin BlkOfs := i-1; SearchResult := true; for j := 1 to SearchLen do begin if i+j-1 <= Result1 then begin if SearchArray[j] = FileBlock1[i+j-1] then ResultArray[j] := FileBlock1[i+j-1] else begin SearchResult := false; j := SearchLen; end; end else if SearchArray[j] = FileBlock2[i+j-257] then ResultArray[j] := FileBlock2[i+j-257] else begin SearchResult := false; j := SearchLen; end; end; if SearchResult then begin for j := SearchLen+1 to sizeof( ResultArray ) do if i+j-1 <= Result1 then ResultArray[j] := FileBlock1[i+j-1] else ResultArray[j] := FileBlock2[i+j-257]; i := Result1; end; end; end; until BlkDone or SearchResult; if SearchResult then begin writeln( 'Search string found in file block ', BlockCount, ' beginning at byte offset ', BlkOfs, ' ...' ); writeln; if FileType = Unknown then FileType := TestBlock( ResultArray, sizeof( ResultArray ) ); case FileType of Hex : ListHex( ResultArray, sizeof( ResultArray ), BlkOfs ); Ascii : ListAscii( ResultArray, sizeof( ResultArray ) ); end; end else writeln( '"', SearchStr, '" not found in ', FN ); close( VF ); window( 1, 1, 80, 25 ); end else writeln( Fn, ' invalid file name!' ); end; procedure Viewer.FileOpen; var VF : file; Ch : char; Result, CrtX, CrtY : word; EndFlag : boolean; FileBlock : DataBlock; begin BlockCount := 0; XOrg := X1; YOrg := Y1; LineLen := X2; LineCnt := Y2; FileType := Unknown; assign( VF, Fn ); {$I-} reset( VF, 1 ); {$I+} if IOresult = 0 then begin window( X1, Y1, X1+X2-1, Y1+Y2-1 ); writeln; EndFlag := false; repeat BlockRead( VF, FileBlock, sizeof( FileBlock ), Result ); inc( BlockCount ); EndFlag := Result <> sizeof( FileBlock ); if FileType = Unknown then FileType := TestBlock( FileBlock, Result ); case FileType of Hex : ListHex( FileBlock, Result, 0 ); Ascii : ListAscii( FileBlock, Result ); end; if not EndFlag then begin CrtX := WhereX; CrtY := WhereY; if WhereY = LineCnt then begin writeln; dec( CrtY ); end; gotoxy( 1, 1 ); clreol; write(' Viewing: ', FN ); gotoxy( 1, LineCnt ); clreol; write(' Press (+) to continue, (Enter) to exit: '); Ch := ReadKey; EndFlag := Ch <> '+'; gotoxy( 1, LineCnt ); clreol; gotoxy( CrtX, CrtY ); end; until EndFlag; close( VF ); sound( 440 ); delay( 100 ); sound( 220 ); delay( 100 ); nosound; window( 1, 1, 80, 25 ); end else writeln( Fn, ' invalid file name!' ); end; function Viewer.TestBlock; var i : integer; begin FileType := Ascii; for i := 1 to Count do if not FileBlock[i] in NoPrnSet+PrintSet then FileType := Hex; TestBlock := FileType; end; procedure Viewer.ListHex; const HexStr: string[16] = '0123456789ABCDEF'; var i, j, k : integer; begin k := 1; repeat write(' '); j := (BlockCount-1) * sizeof( FileBlock ) + ( k - 1 ) + Ofs; for i := 3 downto 0 do write( HexStr[ j shr (i*4) AND $0F + 1 ] ); write(': '); for i := 1 to 16 do begin if k <= Count then write( HexStr[ FileBlock[k] shr 4 + 1 ], HexStr[ FileBlock[k] AND $0F + 1 ], ' ' ) else write( ' ' ); inc( k ); if( i div 4 = i / 4 ) then write(' '); end; for i := k-16 to k-1 do if i <= Count then if FileBlock[i] in PrintSet+ExtenSet then write( chr( FileBlock[i] ) ) else write('.'); writeln; until k >= Count; end; procedure Viewer.ListAscii; var i : integer; begin for i := 1 to Count do begin write( chr( FileBlock[i] ) ); if WhereX > LineLen then writeln; if WhereY >= LineCnt then begin writeln; gotoxy( 1, LineCnt-1 ); end; end; end; {=============== end Viewer object ==============} var FileFind : Finder; begin clrscr; FileFind.Search( 'D:\TP\EXE\search.EXE', { file to search } 'Press any key', { search string } 1, 1, 80, 25 ); { display window } gotoxy( 1, 25 ); clreol; write( 'Press any key to continue: '); while not KeyPressed do; end.